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“It is better to be wrong in figuring out the meaning of a situation than to overlook it.”
~Rudolph Dreikurs

Individual Psychotherapy
Individual Psychotherapy sign

Individual Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy and counseling can help you deal with emotional, social, and behavioral concerns, including difficulties with family, friends or partners, and with issues such as depression, anxiety, phobias, loss of a job, separation or divorce, death of a loved one, an inability to concentrate, lacking energy to perform daily tasks, inability to regulate emotions, and with many other issues. The aim of psychotherapy is to provide a safe, accepting, and non-judgemental atmosphere which helps to reduce the distress and symptoms an individual experiences.  The process of psychotherapy requires a commitment and regular meeting time from both the patient and therapist.


Psychotherapy mainly relies on communication as the basic tool for bringing about change in a person's feelings and behaviors. A major component of psychotherapy is the relationship maintained between the therapist and the patient, which affects the treatment outcome and influences the amount of relief a patient experiences.  For this reason, it is very important that you feel like you can connect with your therapist.


Psychotherapy can last anywhere from a few sessions to several years, depending on the issues brought up. The more specific the goal, the less time required. This will be discussed at the outset of treatment, within the first few sessions.


Psychotherapy helps children, adolescents, and adults in a variety of ways. Through psychotherapy and play therapy, children receive emotional support, resolve conflicts with people, understand their own feelings and problems, and try out new solutions to old problems. Goals for therapy may be specific (change in behavior, improved relations with friends or family), or more general (less anxiety, higher self-esteem). The length of psychotherapy depends on the complexity and severity of the problems being addressed.


Psychotherapy can also help manage and balance the demands of parenting, work and family responsibilities, help coping with a medical illness, improving relationship skills or managing other stressors that can affect just about all of us. Anyone can benefit from psychotherapy, whether it is to become a more effective problem solver in life, or to understand yourself in terms of personal growth and self-development.


Practice Rules:


  • Sessions are 50 minutes long.

  • Payment is due when the service is rendered.

  • Sessions must be canceled 24 hours before appointment. If not, it will be charged upon the next meeting.

  • Everything discussed is strictly confidential. The only exceptions are if someone threatens to harm themselves or someone else and in the case of child/elderly abuse.


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